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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bird Or Dog?

You would expect the canary island to be heavily populated with those pretty yellow
birds,wouldn't you?

well,you couldn't be further from the truth! When the ancient
Romans landed on the islands a long time ago,they found many wild dogs..yes dogs,
running about,so they named the place 'insulae canaria' which means 'island of the

Anda pasti menyangka kalo canary island dihuni oleh populasi yellow bird yg cantik
kan? tidak juga! Kenyataanya ketika bangsa Romawi kuno mendarat di pulau itu jaman dulu,
mereka menemukan banyak anjing liar ..ya,anjing,berkeliaran kesana-sini,jadi
mereka menyebut pulau itu sebagai 'insulae canaria' yg artinya pulau anjing.
jadi mana yg benar? burung atau anjing?:D


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